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Bachelor’s degree

Bachelor’s degree

06.03.01 Bioecology
Specialization Bioecological monitoring and recycling in food production and agribusiness
Program level Bachelor’s degree
Program length 4 years
Mode of study Full time
Language of instruction Russian
Education certificate / Academic degree Bachelor’s degree
Program description

Do you want to become a highly qualified specialist in bioecology, able to solve the most important theoretical and practical problems (research, production, design, organizational and managerial); to work in research institutes and in protected areas, conduct biological and environmental assessments of feed, raw materials and food products of plant and animal origin, conduct environmental assessments, microbiological studies and various types of environmental monitoring?

Come to study with us! Such specialists are widely in demand in experimental laboratories, institutes, and enterprises.

Disciplines, theoretical and laboratory (practical) classes, lectures and seminars
  • maintenance, configuration and administration of system and network software
  • diagnostics and monitoring the performance of software and hardware
  • installing the necessary drivers and programs
  • information security of network infrastructure facilities
  • operation and maintenance of server and network equipment
  • connecting subscribers to the Internet using special devices
  • ensuring the integrity of information backup
09.03.01 Сomputer science and computer engineering
Specialization Computer aided design and information processing systems
Program level Bachelor’s degree
Program length 4 years
Mode of study Full time
Language of instruction Russian
Education certificate / Academic degree Bachelor’s degree
Program description

Do you want to get a popular and highly paid specialty in IT? Become a programmer, website developer, analyst designer, system administrator? Having chosen training in the field of “Computer Science and Computer Engineering” at MSUFP, you will become a valuable IT specialist in almost any company with a wide profile.

Disciplines, theoretical and laboratory (practical) classes, lectures and seminars
  • Modern computer science,
  • Programming in high-level languages C / C ++ / C # / Java / Python,
  • Programming technology
  • Information input and editing systems,
  • Operating Systems,
  • Mathematics (no real programmer can do without it): higher, discrete, probability theory and mathematical statistics, theory of algorithms and mathematical logic
  • Networks and telecommunications,
  • Internet technologies,
  • Web application development and programming,
  • Information security in computer networks,
  • Automated Computing Systems
  • Industrial set
  • Applying programming skills in practice to automate equipment in production and develop automated control systems:
    • Microprocessor tools and systems,
    • Software and hardware systems,
    • Electrical engineering, electronics and circuitry,
    • Computer system architecture,
    • Automation of product life cycle management,
    • Database management systems,
    • Automated Computing Complex
09.03.03 Applied Informatics
Specialization Information Technology and Software Engineering for Food Production
Program level Bachelor’s degree
Program length 4 years
Mode of study Full time
Language of instruction Russian
Education certificate / Academic degree Bachelor’s degree
Program description

Are you a creative, modern-minded person who is ready to tackle the implementation of large-scale tasks for the development of the Russian economy using innovative information and communication technologies? Then this is the direction for you!

An IT specialist in the modern world is the most demanded and highly paid profession on the labor market. The training program in this area is focused on a comprehensive consideration of the problems of applied informatics, including information elements and technologies, information processes, design and application of various types of economic information systems, new methods and standards supported by information technologies.

Disciplines, theoretical and laboratory (practical) classes, lectures and seminars
  • Programming in a high-level language: Operating systems, environments and shells;
  • Neural networks and technologies;
  • Architecture of information systems;
  • Electronic business;
  • Computer linguistics;
  • Internet entrepreneurship.
  • Macroeconomics;
  • Economics and organization of production;
  • Systems theory and systems analysis;
  • Operations research and optimization methods;
  • Business Process Reengineering;
  • Legal basis of applied informatics;
  • Enterprise economy;
  • System architecture;
  • Logistics;
  • Software engineering;
  • Econometrics;
  • Business process modeling;
  • Electronic document management systems;
  • Corporate information systems;
  • Intelligent Information Systems;
  • Database;
  • Computing networks and telecommunications;
  • CASE-technology and tools;
  • Project management;
  • Decision Support Systems;
  • Information Security;
  • Financial management information systems;
  • Information systems in production management;
  • Customer Relationship Management Information Systems;
  • Domain Oriented Information Systems
15.03.04 Automation of technological processes and production
Specialization Automation of technological processes and production (in the food industry)
Program level Bachelor’s degree
Program length 4 years
Mode of study Full time
Language of instruction Russian
Education certificate / Academic degree Bachelor’s degree
Program description

In the process of training, you will receive the necessary skills: - in the field of existing automation and the creation of new automated and automatic technologies and industries that ensure the production of competitive products; - in the field of quality management processes for raw materials, semi-finished products and finished food products; - development of tools and systems for automation and control for various purposes in relation to specific production conditions; - Creation and application of algorithmic, hardware and software systems for automation, control and monitoring of technological processes and production, ensuring the release of high-quality, safe, competitive products.

Disciplines, theoretical and laboratory (practical) classes, lectures and seminars
  • engineering and computer graphics;
  • technical mechanics;
  • 3D modeling of technical systems;
  • engineering rheology, etc.
  • process flow theory;
  • calculation and design of food technology;
  • design of technological complexes
  • bioreactor theory;
  • industrial bioengineering and biotechnology;
  • biomembrane systems
  • monitoring and engineering diagnostics of technical systems using neural network analysis;
  • methods and systems of energy and resource conservation in food production;
  • innovative development of food technology
15.03.02 Technological machines and equipment
Specialization Machines and equipment for food production
Program level Bachelor’s degree
Program length 4 years
Mode of study Full time
Language of instruction Russian
Education certificate / Academic degree Bachelor’s degree
Program description

Having studied all the intricacies of engineering, you will become a sought-after specialist with deep specialized knowledge, business competencies, a broad professional horizons and an engineering culture in the field of technical support for biotechnological, food and processing industries.

Disciplines, theoretical and laboratory (practical) classes, lectures and seminars
  • engineering and computer graphics;
  • technical mechanics;
  • 3D modeling of technical systems;
  • engineering rheology, etc.
  • process flow theory;
  • calculation and design of food technology;
  • design of technological complexes
  • bioreactor theory;
  • industrial bioengineering and biotechnology;
  • biomembrane systems
  • monitoring and engineering diagnostics of technical systems using neural network analysis;
  • methods and systems of energy and resource conservation in food production;
  • innovative development of food technology
15.03.06 Mechatronics and Robotics
Specialization Robotics, intelligent technologies and systems
Program level Bachelor’s degree
Program length 4 years
Mode of study Full time
Language of instruction Russian
Education certificate / Academic degree Bachelor’s degree
Program description

Do you want to receive a popular and highly paid specialty, which every year becomes more popular and is a promising profession of the future? To gain professional skills in the field of information processing and the search for new design solutions for robotic and mechatronic systems for various purposes, their subsystems and individual modules, control theory and artificial intelligence methods? Having chosen the training in “Robotics, Intelligent Technologies and Systems” at MSUFP, you will become a valuable specialist in the field of mechatronic and robotic systems for various purposes, including information-sensor, executive and control modules, their mathematical, algorithmic and software, methods and tools for them design, modeling and experimental research

Disciplines, theoretical and laboratory (practical) classes, lectures and seminars
  • design stages and composition of projects for the robotization of technological processes;
  • block diagrams of control systems for robotic systems and control;
  • functional schemes of automation, the purpose of automation schemes, methods and general principles for their implementation;
  • circuit diagrams, general requirements and rules for circuitry.
  • development of decision-making algorithms of guaranteed performance, reliability and security;
  • creating a new generation of platforms for efficient computing;
  • development of self-taught sensory-motor coordination algorithms;
  • development of natural interfaces of human-machine interaction;
  • protection and elimination of vulnerabilities with the growing computerization of the physical world.
  • Intelligent control of mechatronic and robotic systems and complexes;
  • Modeling and design of energy-efficient electrical systems and computer-controlled systems;
  • Adaptive and nonlinear control of complex dynamic systems;
  • Navigation, guidance and control of moving objects;
  • design of robotic modules and systems;
  • rationale for the use and calculations of drives of multi-stage and mobile robots, robotic systems;
  • development of control and monitoring tools for robots and robotic systems;
  • mathematical, algorithmic, software and information support for the development and modeling of robots and robotic systems.
16.03.03 Refrigeration, cryogenic equipment and life support systems
Specialization Refrigeration, cryogenic equipment and life support systems at agricultural enterprises
Program level Bachelor’s degree
Program length 4 years
Mode of study Full time
Language of instruction Russian
Education certificate / Academic degree Bachelor’s degree
Program description

If you are a physically strong person with a technical mentality, pedantic, hardworking and prone to analysis - then this is the direction for you! Here you can get an extremely popular and highly paid specialty.

In the process of training, you will become familiar with the physical fundamentals of obtaining artificial cold, the arrangement of machines and devices included in refrigeration units and air conditioning systems, with various ways of obtaining low temperatures and various cooling systems, as well as operating modes of refrigeration equipment and ways to control them, ways to identify and eliminate possible malfunctions. Get professional skills in the design of refrigeration systems and air conditioning systems, calculation and selection of technical equipment.

Disciplines, theoretical and laboratory (practical) classes, lectures and seminars
  • Engineering and computer graphics
  • Physics
  • Linear Algebra and Analytical Geometry
  • Descriptive geometry
  • Mathematical analysis
  • Theory of Probability and Mathematical Statistics
  • Computer science
  • Information Technology
  • Machine parts and design basics
  • Thermodynamics
  • Basics of heat and mass transfer
  • Equations of mathematical physics
  • Strength of materials
  • Theory of machines and mechanisms
  • Electrical and Electronics
  • Materials Science
  • Materials Engineering
  • Fluid and gas mechanics
  • Hydraulics
  • Theory of Physical Measurements
  • Fundamentals of Reliability Theory
19.03.01 Biotechnology
Specialization Biotechnology for the food industry and agriculture
Program level Bachelor’s degree
Program length 4 years
Mode of study Full time
Language of instruction Russian
Education certificate / Academic degree Bachelor’s degree
Program description

Biotechnology specialists are in demand in the food industry and agriculture, in medicine and in pharmaceuticals. You will be able to participate in the development of new types of products, dietary supplements, enzymes, etc. The need for such specialists is growing every year. Having chosen the direction "Biotechnology for the food industry and agriculture" you will receive a unique high-quality education that allows you to work in promising Russian and international companies.

Disciplines, theoretical and laboratory (practical) classes, lectures and seminars
  • Skills in obtaining, researching and using enzymes, viruses, microorganisms, cell cultures of animals and plants, products of their biosynthesis and biotransformation;
  • Knowledge of technology for producing products using microbiological synthesis, biocatalysis, genetic engineering and nanobiotechnology;
  • Skills in the operation and quality management of biotechnological industries in compliance with the requirements of national and international regulations;
  • Knowledge of the organization and quality control of raw materials, intermediate products and finished products.
  • Consolidation and deepening of theoretical knowledge obtained by a student in the study of general technical and special disciplines.
  • Familiarization with the technological schemes of production, regulatory documentation, the nature and significance of individual operations and their parameters.
  • Familiarization with issues of technical, technological and organizational and economic support for production, life safety, methods of quality control of raw materials, finished products.
19.03.02 Plant-based food products
Specialization Brewing and non-alcoholic technology
Program level Bachelor’s degree
Program length 4 years
Mode of study Full time
Language of instruction Russian
Education certificate / Academic degree Bachelor’s degree
Program description

Do you dream of opening your own brewery or becoming a sought-after specialist and developing new drinks? Then this is the direction for you! In the process of training, you will receive the necessary knowledge and skills on the technologies for the production of beer, kvass, soft drinks, functional, fermented and sports drinks. You will also gain invaluable experience in the design of beer and soft drinks enterprises.

Disciplines, theoretical and laboratory (practical) classes, lectures and seminars
  • main stages of beer production;
  • sensory analysis of beer;
  • design of beer production enterprises;
  • beer production at small enterprises;
  • quality control of raw materials, water and finished products in the brewing industry;
  • main stages of the production of soft drinks and kvass;
  • water treatment, quality and analysis of water;
  • design of enterprises for the production of soft drinks and kvass;
  • quality control of raw materials and finished products in the production of soft drinks and kvass;
  • the main stages of the production of functional, fermented and sports drinks;
  • development of new recipes for functional beverages;
  • development of fermented beverages;
  • beverage development for athletes;
  • the main stages of malt production;
  • designing malt production enterprises;
  • special types of malts and malts of various grain crops.
19.03.02 Plant-based food products
Specialization Technology of alcohol, distillery and winemaking
Program level Bachelor’s degree
Program length 4 years
Mode of study Full time
Language of instruction Russian
Education certificate / Academic degree Bachelor’s degree
Program description

Do you dream of becoming a winemaker and creating your own drinks or getting a well-paid job at an enterprise in the alcohol, distillery, and wine-making industries? Or are you going to open your own winery?

Then go to the direction "Technology of alcohol, alcoholic beverages and winemaking". In the process of training, you will gain knowledge and skills on the technologies for the production of ethyl alcohol, vodka, special vodkas, alcoholic beverages –LVI (tinctures, liquors, balms, liquors, gins, etc.), wine production, fruit (fruit) wine, strong alcoholic beverages from grapes (cognac) and other plant materials (whiskey, tequila, rum), wine drinks, special wines (sherry, champagne, vermouth, port, Tokai, etc.).

Disciplines, theoretical and laboratory (practical) classes, lectures and seminars
  • the main stages of ethyl alcohol production,
  • sensory (organoleptic) analysis of ethyl alcohol,
  • design of distilleries,
  • modeling of technological stages of ethyl alcohol production,
  • quality control of grain raw materials,
  • water,
  • semi-finished and finished products
  • the main stages of the production of alcoholic beverages,
  • sensory (organoleptic) analysis of alcoholic beverages,
  • development of recipes for alcoholic beverages,
  • design of distilleries,
  • modeling of technological stages of production of alcoholic beverages,
  • quality control of ethyl alcohol, water,
  • semi-finished and finished products
  • water quality and the influence of the mineral composition of water on the organoleptic and physicochemical indicators of alcoholic beverages
  • various ways of preparing water to produce of alcoholic beverages;
  • the main stages of wine production,
  • fruit (fruit) wine and special wines,
  • the basics of wine tasting, the design of wineries,
  • modeling of technological stages of wine production,
  • microvine making, quality control of grapes,
  • fruit / fruit, water,
  • semi-finished and finished products
  • the main stages of the production of cognac and strong alcoholic drinks,
  • the basics of tasting cognac and strong alcoholic drinks,
  • development of cognac and strong alcoholic beverage recipes,
  • design of cognac factories and enterprises for the production of strong alcoholic beverages,
  • technochemical control of the production of cognac and strong alcoholic drinks
19.03.02 Plant-based food products
Specialization Technology of alcohol, distillery and winemaking
Program level Bachelor’s degree
Program length 4 years
Mode of study Full time
Language of instruction Russian
Education certificate / Academic degree Bachelor’s degree
Program description

Do you dream of becoming a winemaker and creating your own drinks or getting a well-paid job at an enterprise in the alcohol, distillery, and wine-making industries? Or are you going to open your own winery?

Then go to the direction "Technology of alcohol, alcoholic beverages and winemaking". In the process of training, you will gain knowledge and skills on the technologies for the production of ethyl alcohol, vodka, special vodkas, alcoholic beverages –LVI (tinctures, liquors, balms, liquors, gins, etc.), wine production, fruit (fruit) wine, strong alcoholic beverages from grapes (cognac) and other plant materials (whiskey, tequila, rum), wine drinks, special wines (sherry, champagne, vermouth, port, Tokai, etc.).

Disciplines, theoretical and laboratory (practical) classes, lectures and seminars
  • the main stages of ethyl alcohol production,
  • sensory (organoleptic) analysis of ethyl alcohol,
  • design of distilleries,
  • modeling of technological stages of ethyl alcohol production,
  • quality control of grain raw materials,
  • water,
  • semi-finished and finished products
  • the main stages of the production of alcoholic beverages,
  • sensory (organoleptic) analysis of alcoholic beverages,
  • development of recipes for alcoholic beverages,
  • design of distilleries,
  • modeling of technological stages of production of alcoholic beverages,
  • quality control of ethyl alcohol, water,
  • semi-finished and finished products
  • water quality and the influence of the mineral composition of water on the organoleptic and physicochemical indicators of alcoholic beverages
  • various ways of preparing water to produce of alcoholic beverages;
  • the main stages of wine production,
  • fruit (fruit) wine and special wines,
  • the basics of wine tasting, the design of wineries,
  • modeling of technological stages of wine production,
  • microvine making, quality control of grapes,
  • fruit / fruit, water,
  • semi-finished and finished products
  • the main stages of the production of cognac and strong alcoholic drinks,
  • the basics of tasting cognac and strong alcoholic drinks,
  • development of cognac and strong alcoholic beverage recipes,
  • design of cognac factories and enterprises for the production of strong alcoholic beverages,
  • technochemical control of the production of cognac and strong alcoholic drinks
19.03.02 Plant-based food products
Specialization Functional Nutrition and Long-Term Storage Technology
Program level Bachelor’s degree
Program length 4 years
Mode of study Full time
Language of instruction Russian
Education certificate / Academic degree Bachelor’s degree
Program description

During the training, you will receive the necessary knowledge on the technology for processing fruit and vegetable raw materials, technology for storing vegetable raw materials and finished products, technological control at enterprises for the production of long-term storage products, baby and functional food, technological equipment for enterprises producing long-term storage, baby and functional food. Fundamental knowledge in the field of biochemical and microbiological properties of raw materials for creating new products, practical skills in the field of technology of long-term storage products, baby and functional nutrition.

Disciplines, theoretical and laboratory (practical) classes, lectures and seminars
  • the study of methods for assessing the quality of raw materials, semi-finished products and finished products;
  • calculation of recipes;
  • technological control and analysis of the quality of finished products;
  • ability to use normative and technical documentation
  • drying methods of plant materials;
  • optimization of drying parameters of plant materials;
  • modern technological equipment for drying vegetable raw materials
  • the study of technological scientific and laboratory documentation;
  • development of experimental techniques and mathematical data processing;
  • mastering instruments
  • object modeling technology;
  • parametric schemes of technological processes;
  • selection of process factors, optimization parameters, and experimentation intervals;
  • building a mathematical plan and conducting an experiment;
  • factors determining the rheological properties of semi-finished products;
  • mathematical processing of experimental data
19.03.02 Plant-based food products
Specialization Technology of bread, pastry and bakery products
Program level Bachelor’s degree
Program length 4 years
Mode of study Full time
Language of instruction Russian
Education certificate / Academic degree Bachelor’s degree
Program description

Do you want to become an upscale baker or pastry chef? Do you want to learn all the secrets of this most important product in the world? Or maybe would you like to open your own bakery or pastry shop?

In this case – it is that you need! You are going to learn everything about bread - you will be able to analyze raw materials and semi-finished products, learn how to optimize technological processes and improve product quality, gain knowledge in the field of biochemical and microbiological properties of raw materials to create new products, and master theoretical and practical skills in the baking and confectionery industry.

Disciplines, theoretical and laboratory (practical) classes, lectures and seminars
  • the study of methods for assessing the quality of semi-finished products and finished products;
  • calculation of recipes;
  • technological control and analysis of product quality;
  • ability to use normative and technical documentation
  • Methods for determining and analyzing the properties of raw materials:
    • practical and theoretical foundations of organoleptics;
    • tasting methods;
    • the study of technological scientific and laboratory documentation;
    • development of experimental techniques;
    • mastering instruments;
    • object modeling technology;
    • parametric schemes of technological processes;
    • selection of process factors, optimization parameters, and experimentation intervals;
    • building a mathematical plan and conducting an experiment;
    • factors determining the rheological properties of semi-finished products, gas formation in them, the taste and aroma of bread;
    • mathematical processing of experimental data;
    • optimization of the obtained regression dependencies according to optimization parameters, work with the obtained mathematical models
19.03.02 Plant-based food products
Specialization Confectionery and sugar technology
Program level Bachelor’s degree
Program length 4 years
Mode of study Full time
Language of instruction Russian
Education certificate / Academic degree Bachelor’s degree
Program description

Students gain knowledge and skills in the production of beet and refined sugar, starch and sugar substances from it, study the features and fundamentals of management and marketing, process automation, unit management, etc.

The training process according to the program is carried out on the basis of the use of modern educational technologies: remote support of full-time education, development of supra-professional competencies; multimedia technology; flash-technologies, simulation, case-study and game technologies; project activities.

Disciplines, theoretical and laboratory (practical) classes, lectures and seminars
  • The study of the types of confectionery and sugar products and their classification.
  • Introducing the global confectionery and sugar products market
  • Studying technology of confectionery products of amorphous structure.
  • Mastering research methods in the production of sugar confectionery.
  • The study of water treatment technology in the production of confectionery and sugar products.
  • Water supply for the production of confectionery and sugar products.
  • The study of technology confectionery crystal structure.
  • In-depth study of carbohydrate crystallization technology.
  • The study of the technology of confectionery spongy structure.
  • Features of technology sugar oriental products.
  • The study of the technology of sugar products jelly-like structure and etc.
  • You will learn
  • To lead the production of beet sugar.
  • To take and store beetroot raw materials.
  • To lead the production of various types of refined sugar.
  • To produce starch and sugary substances from starch.
  • To conduct the production of modified starches, dextrin, sago.
  • To ensure the operability of equipment for obtaining sugary products.
  • To establish and control the modes of conducting technological processes for obtaining sugary products.
  • To plan the main indicators of sugar production.
  • To plan the main indicators of the provision of services in the field of production of sugar and related products.
  • To draw up a plan of work and services.
  • To organize the work of the labor collective.
  • To monitor and evaluate the results of work and services.
  • To study the market of products and services in the field of production of sugar and related products.
  • To develop measures to optimize production processes and the provision of services.
  • To keep accounting and reporting documentation.
19.03.02 Plant-based food products
Specialization Subtropical and food flavoring technology
Program level Bachelor’s degree
Program length 4 years
Mode of study Full time
Language of instruction Russian
Education certificate / Academic degree Bachelor’s degree
Program description

Students study the types of food raw materials and food additives, food production technology, organization of food enterprises, technological equipment of food enterprises, acquire skills in the preparation of normative and technical documentation, methods and means of quality control of raw materials, semi-finished products and finished products.

The training process according to the program is carried out on the basis of the use of modern educational technologies: remote support of full-time education, development of supra-professional competencies; multimedia technology; flash-technologies, simulation, case-study and game technologies; project activities.

Disciplines, theoretical and laboratory (practical) classes, lectures and seminars
  • The study of the main types and varieties of tea, as well as the biochemistry of the tea plant.
  • The study of physical and chemical processes occurring in a tea leaf in the process of its technological processing and methods for controlling these processes.
  • The study of the main technological stages of the production of various types of black tea - loose leaf tea, granulated tea, tea bags, etc.
  • The study of the main technological stages of the production of various types of green tea large-leaf tea, tea bags, etc.
  • The study of brick tea production technology.
  • Studying the technology of production of herbal teas, taking into account the physicochemical properties of raw materials.
  • Study of the influence of water quality on the production of tea and finished products.
  • The study of the rules of sensory analysis of tea, as well as the rules of the test quality assessment of tea.
  • Study of the technology for the production of functional drinks based on tea.
  • The study of the main varieties and types of coffee beans, their features and differences.
  • The study of the chemical composition of coffee beans and the finished drink.
  • The study of types of roasting beans, technology of roasting coffee beans and equipment used.
  • Studying the rules for making coffee mixtures, taking into account the characteristics of varieties and types of coffee beans.
  • Studying the main technological stages of the production of grain coffee.
  • The study of the main technological processes in the production of instant coffee.
  • Studying the effect of water quality on the production of instant coffee.
  • Mastering the rules of sensory analysis of coffee and the rules of cap testing.
  • The study of basic coffee products and coffee substitutes
  • Tobacco and Tobacco Technology
19.03.02 Plant-based food products
Specialization Technology of fats, essential oils and perfumes and cosmetics
Program level Bachelor’s degree
Program length 4 years
Mode of study Full time
Language of instruction Russian
Education certificate / Academic degree Bachelor’s degree
Program description

This profile is innovative, as it provides for the technology of integrated training sessions with the help of training schemes, and also provides for the use of information and communication technologies (using multimedia slides, video equipment, demonstration experiments). Knowledge of the properties of lipids is the basis for understanding the biochemical processes that occur in a living organism and in the preparation and storage of food.

Disciplines, theoretical and laboratory (practical) classes, lectures and seminars
  • The study of the basic part, providing mainly general cultural and professional competencies, as well as partially professional competencies, basic discipline subjects are required for study;
  • The study of the variable part, providing for the most part professional competencies and the focus of the program "Technology of fats, essential oils and perfumes and cosmetics", the disciplines of the variable part are required to study;
  • Disciplines on the choice of the variable part, providing in-depth training within the framework of the program "Technology of fats, essential oils and perfumes and cosmetics", the disciplines of the variable part are mandatory for studying the choice of discipline from each block (one of the two disciplines represented by the curriculum);
  • Electives providing additional in-depth and (or) specialized, including adaptation training.
19.03.02 Plant-based food products
Specialization Food ingredient technology
Program level Bachelor’s degree
Program length 4 years
Mode of study Full time
Language of instruction Russian
Education certificate / Academic degree Bachelor’s degree
Program description

The creation of the domestic industry of food ingredients is a necessary condition for the formation of the assortment, quality, and competitiveness of products of the domestic food industry. This creative work aimed at creating a domestic food ingredient industry - a promising direction in the development of the food industry!

Disciplines, theoretical and laboratory (practical) classes, lectures and seminars
  • Training is carried out in courses and academic semesters, during which students learn individual disciplines that provide mainly general cultural and professional competencies, as well as partially professional competencies
  • basic disciplines are required to study