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Общие сведения о РОСБИОТЕХ

Центр стратегического развития и продвижения

Цель деятельности Центра - позиционирование и продвижение РОСБИОТЕХ как эффективного Университета, интегрированного в мировые образовательные и научные системы.

Задачи Центра:

Center for Strategic Development and Promotion

The purpose of the Center is to position and promote MSUFP as an effective University integrated into world educational and scientific systems.

Goals of the Center:

  • To develop MSUFP Development Programs;
  • Coordination, monitoring and reporting of the University Development Program implementation;
  • To provide organizational support for the management of the University Development Program;
  • Implementation of strategic projects;
  • Aggregation of research in the field of sustainable development conducted at the University, assistance in their qualitative and quantitative increase (the main functions of the University's research activities are the responsibility of the «Department of Scientific Research»)